在末後世代透過耶穌基督拯救失喪的,成全神在末後的旨意,為國度集结,預備,及培訓一群無名無聞無己,神所呼召的先鋒者,得勝者,殉道者,國度代禱者 及 敬拜者等。 建立及聯結國度禱告祭壇,裝備新婦/教會預備末世,進入啟示錄12章男孩子的命定,完成鐵杖轄管列國的託付。
更多詳情關於事工的使命和異象: https://www.omegaministryorg.com/p/about-us.html
末後的時代已經來臨,無名氏的軍隊穿戴整齊,這是一支權柄與能力匯聚的軍隊;一支主親自召聚和訓練的軍隊;一支全然進入屬靈領域的約書亞軍隊;這是由殉道者,先鋒者,得勝者,國度代禱者,和敬拜者所組成的新婦戰隊。 他們完全不顧自我的得失與名聲,甘願把自己獻上,當做活祭,成為基督大軍的「無名氏」。在國度爭戰、能力會戰中,得勝不同層級的黑暗權勢。無名氏團隊所組成的先鋒部隊,一個個信與愛凝聚成的營隊方陣,帶領整個基督大軍衝鋒殺敵。他們將一個個仇敵的祭壇,徹底摧毀,得地為業。照著麥基洗德等次做祭司,跟隨啓示錄12章男孩子爭戰,潔淨二層天,為基督耶穌再來,預備道路。 他們將在最後三年半,幫助教會 分辨危機 避開災難逼迫,預備被迎娶的基督新婦,他們要與基督一同作王一千年!
About Us
In the last days, Omega Ministry is called to save the lost through Jesus Christ, fulfil God's will in the end times, gather, prepare, and train God's pioneers, overcomers, martyrs, Kingdom intercessors, and worshippers, who are nameless, faceless and selfless, and willing to selflessly dedicate themselves in the power of God's love for the name of Christ. We are to establish and make connections for the Kingdom prayer altars, equip the bride, the church to prepare for the end of the times, enter into the destiny of the boy in Revelation 12:5, and complete the mission of ruling the nations with the iron rod.
For more details about our Vision & Mission, please visit at https://eng.omegaministryorg.com/p/about-us.html
Nameless Team
For more details, please visit at https://eng.omegaministryorg.com/p/nameless.html
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